Those we meet will not only have an encounter with us but with Christ

Day Five

Thursday, January 11

Connecting with Someone New

By Carl Wagner

 Every day we step out of our houses, we come into contact with new people. It could be while walking the dog, at the gym, at our place of employment, at the local grocery store, or while putting gas in our cars. We also meet new people at our church. But how many of us can genuinely say we connect with new people and have meaningful interactions? How many of us go beyond our comfort zones and actually have conversations with new people beyond the typical surface interactions? You know, beyond the usual one-liners, “Hey, what’s up?”, “How was your week?” and our favorite one, “How bout them “Cowboys!” Do we genuinely connect and have encounters with people that will cause them to see and follow Jesus?

Being a preacher’s kid, I remember how my dad always said that when we see or come across new people we should see them with a big “L” on their foreheads! I know that sounds crazy, lol. He explained that the “L” on their forehead signifies that for every new person we encounter, we should assume that they are “Lost” and in need of the hope of Jesus our Savior. Our desire should not be for them to be lost in their hopelessness but to find hope in Jesus.

Paul reminds us in Philippians 1:21-22 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. While we continue to live on earth, we should allow Christ to live in and through us. The result will be that those we meet will have an encounter not only with us but with Christ. Verse 29 reminds us that to believe in Christ is the first step, but then we must labor and suffer for Him. We should live our lives in such a sacrificial way that we connect and love people by meeting physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

Daily Challenge

So here is the challenge, Connect with someone NEW by meeting a need! Be like the good Samaritan in Luke 10 who had pity on the man who was robbed and beaten to the point he was half dead. The good Samaritan tended his wombs and provided the man with whatever was needed for that moment. He had such a sacrificial heart.

1. We can meet the needs of others physically by
• feeding them,
• providing transportation,
• clothing

2. We can meet the needs of others emotionally by
• being with them in their time of loneliness, celebration, or loss.

3. We can meet their spiritual needs by
• praying,
• providing bible teaching
• providing spiritual counsel

So that’s it! That’s the challenge. Connect with someone new by meeting a need. The harvest is ripe!