40 Days of Reading!
These next 40 days have the opportunity to be the greatest impact our church has ever had on this community. It has the opportunity for you to grow in your faith and stretch you out of your comfort zone more than ever.
Starting January 9, Connect Church is going on a 40-day discipleship journey focusing on the Red Letters of the gospels – the very words of Jesus. Join us as we take this discipleship journey studying the words of Jesus, looking at how we can love God, love people, and impact the world.
Through our Sunday worship experiences, daily devotions, life groups, and discipleship classes we will study the words of Jesus from the Gospels, all while learning to put them into practice.
If you would like to take the challenge you can Grab your book for only $20 starting January 2. You can also text the word RLC to 817-677-9700.
The Red Letter Challenge (RLC) is unique because it takes Christ’s literal words and gives us practical daily challenges based on those words. The RLC will gives us targets to shoot for to help measure how we are practically following after Him. We want to follow Jesus, not out of obligation, but out of gratitude for what He has done!
How do I take the Red Letter Challenge?
if you are not already connected to a Life Group
The RLC is organized around five main principles.
In week 1 of the challenge we introduce these five principles and the following weeks will cover each principle in depth. Each day we have a bible passage and a challenge for how to implement Jesus’ words into your life.
Week 1
By putting God’s words literally into practice, you will find the life God has made for you!
Week 2
Our doing flows out of who we are and who we become when we spend time with Christ.
Week 3
There is no sin too big that God did not die for on the cross.
Week 4
Our gratitude for what God has done leads us to serve Him.
Week 5
If you are truly following Jesus, you are generous.
Week 6
When we follow Jesus and His words, we find he life we were made for.
Important Dates to Remember
Jan 2 RLC books and shirts go on sale. Get the bundle for only $20!
Jan 9 RLC Sermon Series Begins
Jan 9 – 14 Week of Introduction
Jan 15 – 21 Week of Being
Jan 22 – 28 Week of Forgiving
Jan 29 – Feb 4 Week of Serving
Feb 5 – 11 Week of Giving
Feb 12 – 18 Week of Going
Feb 20 RLC Recap
Join your Connect Family on the 40-Day discipleship Journey
40 days of practical and memorable challenges organized around 5 discipleship targets. Through these targets you can take steps toward Jesus every day!
By putting God’s words literally into practice, you will find the life God has made for you!
Day 1 — January 10
Being – Introduction
Psalm 46:10
Day 2 — January 11
Forgiving – Introduction
Ephesians 2:8-9
Day 3 — January 12
Serving – Introduction
1 Peter 3:15
Day 4 — January 13
Giving – Introduction
John 3:16
Day 5 — January 14
Going — Introduction
Matthew 28:19
Week of BEING
Our doing flows out of who we are and who we become when we spend time with Christ.
Day 6 — January 15
Abide in My Word
John 8:31
The Bible is the one true story of life
Open the Bible today and hear from God.
Day 7 — January 16
Pray Earnestly
Matthew 9:38
Prayer is the most powerful tool we have on this earth.
Spend some time today in prayer. (ACTS: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication)
Day 8 — January 17
Worship the Lord your God
Luke 4:8
God is not confined to a building or a timeframe, and neither is our worship.
Listen to Worship music
Day 9 — January 18
Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest
Mark 6:17
We need to say “no” to many good things, so we can say “yes” to the best thing.
Spend some time in solitude today
Day 10 — January 19
And when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face
Matthew 6:16-18
Highlight: Fasting brings you closer to God and helps you realize just how much God provides for you.
Challenge: Go on a fast today.
Day 11 — January 20
Let Us Eat and Celebrate
Luke 15:23 Psalm 98
We ought to attract people to the church quite literally by the fun there is in being a Christian.
Celebrate and thank God for five things He has done for you. Call together a few friends or neighbors and eat and celebrate with them!
Day 12 — January 21
The Sabbath was made for man
Mark 2:25-3:6
If God takes a day to enjoy His creation, Shouldn’t we?
Take a day off! Enjoy what God has given you. Spend some time doing a hobby or pursuing an interest.
There is no sin too big that God did not die for on the cross.
Day 13 — January 22
Repent and Believe the Good News
Mark 1:15 Acts 9:4-9; 15-19
No matter how serious, big or awful your sin is, God’s grace extends to cover it.
Pray a prayer of repentance
Day 14 — January 23
Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone.
John 8:7 John 7:53-8:11
This is the day to drop the rocks. Which sins do you elevate as “worse” than all the rest?
Pray that you are able to see all people, no matter what their sins might be, as candidates for the grace of Jesus Christ.
Day 15 — January 24
Judge Not
Matthew 7:1-5
If God is known for grace, how can we, his followers, be known for judgement, the exact opposite?
- Thanks God for the opportunity to live a “plank-free” life without the judgement we deserve.
- Write down the names of individuals or groups of people you may have improperly judged in the past, and ask God’s forgiveness.
Day 16 — January 25
Be Merciful
Luke 6:36 Matthew 18:21- 25
God had every right to punish or harm us. He had every right to throw us where we belong, but instead he had mercy on us.
Be intentional about showing mercy to someone today.
Day 17 — January 26
Forgive Others Their Trespasses
Matthew 6:12 John 21:15-19
There’s nothing that can be done to us or against us that we cannot forgive.
If you’ve still be withholding forgiveness from someone who has done you wrong, pray to God about forgiving that person. After praying, if it can be beneficial, let that person know about your forgiveness.
Day 18 — January 27
Love Your Enemies and Pray for Those Who Persecute You
Matthew 5:44 Acts 7:54-60
In Christ, we are not to be people of vengeance and bitterness?
Pray for those who have hurt you, abused you or become your enemies. This isn’t easy to do, but God will use it to transform your heart.
Day 19 — January 28
Go now and leave your life of sin
John 8:11 Luke 19:1-10
God loves you for who you are, but He loves you too much to let you stay the way you are.
If you struggle with a particular sin, write down how you will overcome it and how you can help others who may be struggling with a similar sin.
Our gratitude for what God has done leads us to serve Him
Day 20 — January 29
If You Love Me, You Will Obey My Commands
John 14:5 Luke 5:4-11
BYSSIW: Because You Say So, I Will
Pray for a “BYSSIW” attitude for this challenge! Leave sticky notes all over the hose with the acronym to remember throughout the day.
Day 21 — January 30
If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all
Mark 9:35 John 3:22-30
In Jesus’ counter-cultural kingdom, the ones who are blessed are the ones who serve others and put others before themselves.
Find a way to put someone else’s needs before yours today.
Day 22 — January 31
When you give a dinner, invite the poor, the crippled, lame, etc.
Luke 14:13 John 13:6-17
We serve because we want to be more like Jesus.
Serve someone who will not be able to give you anything in return.
Day 23 — February 1
Love your neighbor as yourself
God looked down upon us and said, “They need my help.”
Do something for a neighbor of yours. Show them you care. No strings attached.
Day 24 — February 2
Let the little children come to me
Matthew 19:14 Luke 18:9-14
When we acknowledge we are imperfect, we are then open to receiving Christ’s grace, which makes us perfect.
Serve a child who is in your life today, and let this child know how important he or she is to you.
Day 25 — February 3
I Was Sick and You Took Care of Me
Matthew 25:35 Mark 2:1-12
God honors your faith and commitment to those in need.
If you know someone sick, visit that person.
Day 26 — February 4
Let Your Light Shine Before Others
Matthew 5:16 Exodus 19:3-6 1 Peter 2:9-12
Through what we do and the way we live, we can actually point people to a real relationship with God.
Serve God today in one of the following ways:
- Organize a servant event with a local non-profit
- Volunteer at a food pantry or soup kitchen
- Volunteer with your local Habitat for Humanity
- Clean a neighbor’s yard
- Visit an elderly person
- Encourage someone who is sick
Week of GIVING
If you are truly following Jesus, you are generous.
Day 27 — February 5
Lend expecting nothing in return
Luke 6:35 Acts 16:11-15
We do not give because we have to. We give because we want to be like Jesus.
Lend or give to someone and don’t ask for or expect anything in return.
Day 28 — February 6
You give them something to eat
Mark 6:37 Matthew 14:13- 21
God can do a lot with a little.
God has given you something that someone else could use. Use your resources to help someone today.
Day 29 — February 7
For I was hungry and you gave me food
Matthew 25:35 2 Kings 4:17
He says that the people who take care of the least privileged will be the ones who are welcomed into His Kingdom.
Give food to the needy.
Day 30 — February 8
For I was naked and you gave me clothing
Matthew 25:36 Matthew 6:19- 21, 24-34
Whenever we do something for the “least of these” in our world, or the least privileged, it’s like we do it for Jesus.
Go through your dressers and closets and give all the clothes you don’t need to charity.
Day 31 — February 9
Do not neglect the tithe
Matthew 23:23 Malachi 3:6-12
You cannot truly go all in for God if you cannot trust God with your money.
Tithe for the next 6 months to your local church.
Day 32 — February 10
Sell all that you possess and give to the poor
Mark 10:17-27
To follow after God faithfully means following after Him with everything you have.
Give sacrificially today. Pray about where to give and how to give it, then act in faith.
Day 33 — February 11
It is better to give than receive
Acts 20:35 2 Corinthians 8:10
The best thing you can do with a good gift is rip it open, enjoy it, and share it with others.
Give a great gift to a worthy person or charity today!
Week of GOING
When we follow Jesus and His words, we find he life we were made for.
Day 34 — February 12
Return to your home and declare how much God has done for you.
Luke 8:27-33, 37b-39
Before we go out and proclaim to the world who God is, let’s first remember that we are living out our faith in our home.
At some point today, gather your family or roommates or friends and share what God has done for you.
Day 35 — February 13
I was a stranger and you welcomed me.
Matthew 25:35 Matthew 9:9-13
When you go beyond the level of your comfort, you experience parts of God you would otherwise miss.
Say hello to some neighbors you haven’t met yet. Get in a new social circle! Meet new people.
Day 36 — February 14
You will be my witnesses
Acts 1:8 Exodus 4:10-12
Don’t underestimate what God can do through you and your story.
Write down your testimony. What has God done for you? What difference has God made in your life?
Day 37 — February 15
Go and proclaim the Kingdom of God
Luke 9:60 Acts 28:23-31
You can make a difference and bring His Kingdom right here and right now.
Record a video of the testimony you wrote yesterday. Share it on all your social media platforms.
Day 38— February 16
Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature
Mark 16:15 Ezekiel 37:1-10
God can turn your fear into confidence.
Write down five people in your life who do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Talk to one of those five today about your testimony. Make a plan over the next month to speak with the other four. Make sure you are also there to listen to them about anything they are going through.
Day 39 — February 17
You did not choose me, but I chose and appoint you
John 15:16 Jeremiah 1:4-10
He chose you not because you’ve done anything important, but simply because He loves you.
Just as God chose you before you ever did anything to please Him, choose someone today who hasn’t done anything to earn your favor and find a way to bless that person.
Day 40 — February 18
Go therefore and make disciples
Matthew 28:19 Luke 5:27-32
Following Jesus is the greatest opportunity we will ever have!
It is imperative that you become a disciple, or follower, of Jesus. If you aren’t already, can you identify one or two people who are mature disciples of Jesus and ask them to mentor you? If you are already a mature follower of Jesus Christ, seek out one or two people you could mentor.